The Mayor’s Office of Panama, in alliance with Estrella Azul, announces the launch of the Children’s Sports Project This football tournament, designed to promote healthy coexistence and sport among the youngest, will take place from February 3 to 23, 2025.
The scenario of this exciting event will be the Nueva Concepción Sports Complex, located in Juan Díaz, where little players can demonstrate their skills. The project reflects the joint commitment of the Mayor’s Office and Estrella Azul with the integral development of children and with the strengthening of the social fabric through sport.
“We are excited to provide our children with this opportunity to participate in a tournament that not only encourages sport, but also values such as teamwork and discipline,” said Mayer Mizrachi, mayor of Panama. For his part, the Manager of Estrella Azul reaffirmed the company’s commitment to community programs and social initiatives that promote sports.
We invite the entire community to support and celebrate this joint effort by attending the games and encourage young talents that will represent their corregimientos. This summer promises to be unforgettable for children’s football in Panama.