Directors of the Ministry of Labor and Labor Development (Mitradel) held an approach meeting with the technical staff
of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic, with the objective of exchanging experiences, applying good practices and strengthening inter -institutional cooperation in the workplace.
The meeting talked about the strategies and mechanisms that allow to optimize coordination, as well as in the management of privileges and diplomatic immunities related to labor issues and in turn, the
National Government’s commitment to promote the harmonization and efficiency of inter -institutional processes for the benefit of the country.
The reciprocal interest that seeks to develop a successful agenda in this matter specifically, respecting the Panamanian jurisdiction, for Panamanian jurisdiction, to
Advance in terms of actions based on the projects and services advanced by Mitradel.
Jackeline Flórez, Director of International Cooperation, were present by Mitradel; Karla León, general director of Labor. And the Foreign Ministry team was made up of Migdalia de Consuegra, head of the Department of Privileges and Diplomatic Immunities and Documentation, Martín Delgado, Head of the Administrative Area of the Directorate of Legal and Treaty Affairs; Ángela Álvarez de Fernández, Deputy Director of Protocol and Ceremonial of the State and Damaris Santos, an analyst for privileges and diplomatic immunities.
Mitradel continues to work in an articulated manner with State entities to guarantee the protection of labor rights and strengthen international relations, concerning work.
Mitradel and Foreign Ministry of the Republic strengthen inter -institutional cooperation
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