The mayors of Providencia and Puente Alto, evelyn matthei Y German Codina respectively, they announced this day that they will undertake a trip to the north of the country to hold meetings reporting on the current criminal crisis in the country, and that the constitutional proposal does not have articles on it.
It should be noted that both authorities took an administrative morning – prior notice -, at which time they held a meeting with representatives of the group “No + Víctimas”, who allege the lack of security in the country, in addition to participating in the Rejection option .
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journey north
After this meeting, Matthei spoke about his trip to the north, one of the central arguments of which is “because one of the main problems we have today is absolutely uncontrolled immigration. We have had to retain many people who have committed crimes and who are foreigners.”
In addition, he reported that he will take vacations with his own money to Iquique and then Colchane, with the aim of “knowing what the situation is like, because, among other things, this draft Constitution would prohibit kicking criminals out of the country if they ask for refuge.”
“We want to let the public know that this draft Constitution really is a horror in terms of citizen security, and therefore, we are going to call for a Rejection vote,” he added.
As for the mayor of Puente Alto, Germán Codina, he specified that “we need a new Constitution, because the Constitution of Pinochet and Lagos is dead; I am one of those who wants a new one, but the Constitutional Convention did not meet expectations, from my point of view”.
Referring to the trip to the north, Codina indicated that “for me it is important to be able to adequately inform people, with the truth, and that it be the people who make the decision. I had different expectations of the Convention, but when We saw cases like Rojas Vade or votes from the shower, what was done was to throw overboard the credibility of an enormous effort that we made as a country.
Video via Twitter: @evelynmatthei
constitutional text
Going specifically on the constitutional proposal, the mayor of Providencia pointed out in emmol that “all the surveys show that crime is today the greatest concern of Chileans, unfortunately. And this draft Constitution gives many guarantees and rights to criminals, to those accused.”
In this line, he indicated that “when they were asked to vote in favor of creating an ombudsman for victims, they voted no, despite the fact that it had many more signatures than necessary. This shows that the constituents, at all times, were thinking much more in the criminals and at no time in the victims”.
“In fact, the word ‘victims’ of crime does not appear in the constitution, it appears only in one part, but ‘victims of human rights,'” he added.
For his part, Codina, maintained that the constitutional proposal “deepens a guarantee system, which ends up giving more rights to criminals; it does not create the defense of victims as it should be; we are going to continue financing with our taxes an army of lawyers to defend criminals. Those are things that I want to change, in addition to other things that we will explain over time. “