The Mayor from West Santo DomingoJosé Andújar, affirmed that the vendors of the flea are relocated “with great benefits” in the Santo Domingo Market and that the Mayor’s Office no longer corresponds to that issue.
He denied that he had been abandoned to his fate because he managed a loan for 400 million pesos for the recapitalization of the vendors, because he is aware of the effects that the pandemic had on that sector.
“Already the flea It is relocated with great benefits, which we seek for them by order of the president,” he said.
When asked about the promise that near the toll of the highway november 6 a plaza would be built to house the vendors of the fleathe mayor stated that it will be a large square where there will be an amphitheater and all public transport vehicles will arrive.
José Manuel Caro, president of the National Federation of Market Merchants The fleadenied that the Mayor José Andújar has obtained 400 million pesos in loans for them. He clarified that they did manage less than five million by Banca Solidaria.
“That is false of all falsehood, he lacks the truth in saying that,” said the president of the vendors of the flea.
Regarding their relocation, he said that they are working with Geanilda Vásquez on the location of lots or spaces where they can make their sales on weekends, but that until now there is nothing definitive.
asphalting of streets
On the other hand, Andújar affirmed that as promised, the streets of the municipality will be paved with the collaboration of the Ministry of Public Works, the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewerage Corporation and President Luis Abinader.
He reported that work is already being done on roads such as the Prolongation February 27, Rogelio Roselle and other streets and avenues.
“We started the campaign West Santo Domingo without holes, and we already have four places of asphalt and we are going to comply with the collaboration of the Ministry of Public Works. The campaign will cover all sectors, and Mi Calle Limpia is also working on an education plan for solid waste management.”