Maduro leads the act of transmission of command in components of the FANB

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, led this Thursday the act of transmission of Command of the Bolivarian Army, Bolivarian Navy, Bolivarian National Guard and Bolivarian Militia Components of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB): as well as promotions to the rank of Major Generals.

From the Patio de Honor of the Ministry for Defense, in Fuerte Tiuna, the head of state handed over the belt loops and capons for the Bolivarian Army to Orlando Romero, Jhohan Hernández and Rafael Prieto; for the Bolivarian Military Aviation, Lenin Ramírez and José Tremont; and by the Bolivarian National Guard, Juan Sulbaran and Nayade Lockiby.

In the rank of Admiral for the Bolivarian Navy to Ashraf Suleiman Gutiérrez and Alejandro Díaz.

The also Commander-in-Chief of the FANB stressed that the promotion they are being given today “is a recognition of their military career, honesty, honor and commitment to the Homeland.”

“This promotion must be assumed as a life commitment to defend the Homeland in any circumstance, to be the leaders of the FANB who set the tone for patriotism and be an example of military youth who rise up for the rest of the 21st century,” he stressed. .

It is up to them – he added – to be the leaders of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces that set the standard of patriotism, of the new Bolivarian spirituality and be an example from today, more than ever, of the military youth that rises up for the rest of the century. XXI.

He stressed that, in the use of his constitutional powers, as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, he appointed Major General José Antonio Murga Batista, Commander General of the Bolivarian Army, to replace Major General Félix Osorio Guzmán, refers to the Presidential Press.

Likewise, he appointed Admiral Neil Jesús Villamizar Sánchez, general commander of the Bolivarian Navy, replacing Admiral Aníbal José Brito Hernández.

To Major General Elio Ramón Estrada Paredes, Commander General of the Bolivarian National Guard, replacing Major General Juvenal José Fernández López; and Major General Javier José Marcano Tabata, Commander General of the Bolivarian Army, replacing Major General Wistohor Chourio Andrade.

In this act of transmission of command, the Venezuelan President also congratulated the Generals and Admirals who have been promoted today in the correct line of command, as a result of their military career, their leadership, their commitment, their loyalty and their professionalism.

“I also want to congratulate in a very special way those who have assumed the General Command of the Army, Major General Murga Batista, who receives a historic banner. The Bolivarian Army, undefeated. I want to congratulate Admiral Villamizar Sánchez who also receives a very special year in this Bicentennial year of the Naval Battle of the Lake. He also receives the undefeated and glorious banner of our anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist and Bolivarian Army”, he stressed.

He also extended recognition to Major General Santiago Infante, who remains in charge of the Bolivarian Military Aviation “guarding the air spaces of our sacred homeland Venezuela 24 hours a day.”

“I want to congratulate Major General Elio Estrada, who assumes the power of the historic banner of our Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) to continue caring for peace, internal order and security of the country,” he said while entertaining Major General Marcano Tabata , “who as a man of the people who is deeply Bolivarian in all his being is now at the head of the people in arms, the Bolivarian National Militia,” and told him: “Where the people can, the Homeland grows, Marcano Tabata.”

He indicated that all this demonstrates the military power “that we are building, the military power of Venezuela that we are consolidating. Venezuela, we can say today, has a military power that is the backbone and guarantee of the union, cohesion and peace of our country. We could say that our Bolivarian National Armed Forces as an expression of the military power of a free country like Venezuela is an example of the Venezuelan affirmative”, he ratified.

Regarding the affirmative Venezuelan, he stressed that it responds to a “subject that I have been touching on and treating as a fundamental element of the historical moment we are living, the emergence of a new positive, affirmative identity of Venezuelans, the Armed Forces and the military power, is an example of the affirmative Venezuelan. Rest assured, you are the vanguard of the affirmative Venezuelan military of the Homeland”.

Earlier, through his account on the Twitter social network @NicolasMaduro, the national President stated: “The discipline, honor and morality of our glorious Bolivarian National Armed Forces will always be a source of pride for the Venezuelan people.”

In this sense, he stressed that the men and women in uniform remain united, cohesive, while stressing that the values ​​bequeathed by Commander Hugo Chávez prevail in their daily work.

“We have a united, patriotic, Bolivarian and deeply Chavista National Bolivarian Armed Forces. Long live the great military family of the Homeland!” President Maduro said.

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