Belarusian President Alexandre Lukashenko said on Saturday that his army had intercepted missiles launched from Ukraine, amid growing rumors about the growing involvement of his country, an ally of Russia, in the war of Ukraine.
“They provoke us. I must say that about three days ago, maybe more, they tried to bomb military targets in Belarus from Ukraine. Thank God, our Pantsir anti-aircraft systems intercepted all the missiles fired by the Ukrainian forces,” he said. Lukashenkoquoted by the Belarusian state agency Belta.
“I repeat, as I have said more than a year ago: we do not intend to fight in Ukraine,” he said.
Since the beginning of the offensive against Ukraineon February 24, Belarus has served as a rear base for the Russian forces.
In the first days, the Russian columns that tried to advance towards Kyivthe capital of Ukraine, departed from Belarus, but encountered unexpected resistance that forced them to withdraw.
Lukashenko’s government faces harsh international sanctions and is highly dependent on Russia militarily and economically.
Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that his country will deliver to Belarus “in the coming months” Iskander-M missiles, capable of carrying nuclear warheads.