Starts on long weekend and many people take advantage of the rest time to travel to the interior of the country, about which there is great expectation, since according to data from the Ministry of Tourism it is estimated that between 1.5 and 2 million Argentines will travel throughout the national territory.
The surveys carried out in different provinces, a great tourist movement is anticipated during the long weekendsince the level of hotel occupancy for the holiday it is on average at 90%.
Some destinations even have 100% reservations for the long weekendwhich will strongly move the regional economies, which has also been promoted by the Government through its Pre-Trip program.
In this regard, the Minister of Tourism, Matías Lammens indicated: “We have enormous expectations for the extra-long weekend that is coming. Based on the data that comes to us from the provinces, we hope to once again exceed the figures prior to the pandemic“.

And he added: “Another long weekend is expected with record figures in most of the country’s destinations, the main destinations have reservation levels around 90%.”
Regarding the third edition of PreViaje, he said: “If we continue with this trend, thanks to the momentum of the third edition of PreViaje, we are convinced that this year we will not have low season in Argentina because our destinations will be able to maintain the levels of occupation”.

In this way, a record number of tourists is anticipated for the long weekend which begins this Friday, October 7, and ends next Monday, October 10. It should be remembered that the holiday It occurs within the framework of the commemoration of the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity, which is originally celebrated on October 12.
What are the most chosen destinations
According to data from the Ministry of Tourism, the destinations with the highest level of reservations are: Puerto Iguazú, Salta, Mar del Plata, Tandil, Mendoza, El Calafate, Bariloche and Ushuaia.

For its part, the City of Buenos Aires is expected to receive more than 95,000 national and international tourists during those days, which would exceed the same long weekend of 2019, when 91,000 travelers arrived.