Ricardo Lombana asked the National Charity Lottery (LNB) for authenticated copies of “all the information, correspondence, reports, technical market studies, institutional emails, regardless of type, of contract No. 2013(9)08 entered into with the consortium Panama Lottery Technology Services made up of Panama Scientific Gaming SA and Scientific Games International, INC., including the addenda made, meaning the five addenda made to the contract in question.”
Together with representatives of bill-selling unions and members of the Movimiento Otro Camino (Moca) who accompanied him to the LNB headquarters on Avenida Perú, Lombana requested said information based on the provisions of Law 6 of January 22, 2002 on transparency in public management, for which a response from the institution is expected in a period not exceeding 30 days from Monday, May 8, 2023.
Through an addendum to the indicated contract, the consortium is authorized to design new types of lottery games, – such as “Lotto” and “Pega 3” -, on electronic platforms.
The documents requested from the director of the Lottery, Gloriela Itzel Del Río Remice, are the following:
- Market reports previously made by the company for the creation of new games.
- The sales projection reports made by the company for the new games designed, as well as the management and security projections to avoid fraud.
- The reports of the expectations or projections of the contracted company of the new games designed
- The sales reports (quantity by units and monetary amounts) by the bill-keepers and, if any, by authorized agents.
- Amount of commissions that authorized agents earn for changing or making effective the new designs.
- Emails that are maintained to date between the National Charity Lottery and the consortium *PANAMA LOTTERY TECHNOLOGY SERVICES*, made up of *PANAMA SCIENTIFIC GAMING SA* and *SCIENTIFIC GAMES INTERNATIONAL, INC.*
- Correspondence, memorandum and/or any type of communication that is maintained to date between the National Charity Lottery and the *PANAMA LOTTERY TECHNOLOGY SERVICES* consortium, a consortium made up of *PANAMA SCIENTIFIC GAMING SA* and *SCIENTIFIC GAMES INTERNATIONAL, INC.*
- If said information is considered confidential and/or reserved, we request that you provide us with an authenticated copy of the resolution that declares the information required and detailed in this memorial under this condition.
Wallets associations have repeatedly expressed their concern and rejection of the implementation in Panama of the electronic lottery announced last February by the LNB and the General Directorate of Revenue, a fact that generated marches and protests in the vicinity of the National Assembly.