A way to combat delays, reduce times and avoid cost overruns. This proposes Lean Construction, a way of designing production systems focused on the construction industry with the aim of generating the highest quality of value with the least amount of resources.
The Argentinian consultancy Plann3, which was born in 2013, adopted Lean from the start at the hands of the architect Bruno Badano, who was already working in this way in 2005. And since 2019 he has done so in Uruguay, with the incorporation as managing partner of fellow architect Guillermo Loblowitz. One in Buenos Aires and another in Montevideo.
Focused on the different problems that the works had, typical of the construction industry, “I wondered why they were so late and why their low productivity,” Badano began by saying. “We found that there was a way of managing, different from the usual, called Lean Construction, which had its origin in the Toyota production system. We found it very interesting and we found that many things that we used to do intuitively, Lean Construction proposed it as a management principle”, he recounted.
“There we had a stroke of luck, because we had the opportunity to personally meet Glenn Ballard and Gregory Howell, the world leaders in the industry. We knew first-hand what the methodology was like. There we began a journey that lasts until today”, continued Badano. Three years ago his life crossed paths with Loblowitz’s and they started working together. “I came and went, and with him we began to manage ourselves locally, with one leg fixed in Uruguay,” he said.
The “daily problems” turned out to be that “trigger” to approach Lean Construction, Badano resumed regarding this system, which guarantees that a project is carried out according to what was planned, avoiding cost overruns, and which aims to maximize value and Minimize waste of materials and labor.
“In the beginning, when we didn’t use Lean, we did many works that had planning problems and the deadline was off. The works were not completed in time and cost. It is a characteristic of the industry at a global level. It has been two decades since the main study centers began to say ‘something is happening here’. They began to understand that there was this concept of variability that is so present in the construction industry. Variability is everything that distances the production process from what you planned”, said this Argentine architect.
Loblowitz, who met Lean Construction when he went to study a master’s degree in Construction Management at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, mentioned that the mechanism introduces “something innovative in the works”.
“Change the way of thinking. And they start to work more as a team, using certain tools, depending on the work or the company, which they were not used to before. This begins to unite the needs of the different parts, and begins to study the processes. Not only at the collaborative level of people, but also in the processes themselves. We used to inertia do a number of tasks; What this causes is to lower the ball to the floor. Why were we doing this, what was the process like. And together understand the problems to move forward together. It is the philosophy of Lean Construction associated with the works”, he explained.
Badano spoke about the “predictability” that supports this system, even to anticipate climatic inconveniences or adversities such as covid-19. “It is about generating the conditions so that this transformation, this task, happens according to what was planned. How we generate the conditions for the task to occur. To get to that point, a battery of tools is proposed, which are the ones we usually implement on the construction site.”
The best known of these instruments is the Last Planner System, for “immediate results” in works and internal processes of the company. The planning is transferred quickly and from day one we begin to work together. It helps “identify the things that keep us from being able to continue planning,” Loblowitz said. “Coordinations between people and activities. It gives you several indicators week by week about the level of planning and compliance with that plan. It gives a result and a diagnosis immediately.”
Among other tools, he named the 5S. It serves to “generate a much safer and more orderly workspace, to make processes more agile.” Also the Takt Time, which is used to conceive an analysis of the pace of work in planning. In addition, the Poka-Yoke (of Japanese origin) is used to try that “an activity is done in a certain way and there is no way to make a mistake; as simple as possible for the person to do it well”. Loblowitz also spoke of A3, which is “a literal A3 sheet, and each quadrant identifies a problem, a future solution, an analysis, and a subsequent way of how we are going to continue innovating.” Because Lean Construction, in his philosophy, aims “to continuous improvement”.
“It all depends on what sector or what objective you want to specialize in or analyze within a certain process. Or generate greater control in the order of the work, in its safety, or in particular processes. Depending on the approach, there are different tools. Yes, everything is done collaboratively, ”she deepened. “Synthetically, it’s about looking to the future and identifying limitations and resolving them before they affect the work being done.”
Advance in Uruguay
Lean Construction has had a significant increase in its implementation in our country, both at an academic and business level. Universities began to incorporate it into their curricula, either as an elective or as seminars. For its part, Plann3 collaborates in generating a theoretical framework for a correct execution.
From the companies, the incorporation has been faster, as they have greater flexibility when adopting new production management systems. Currently, Plann3 assists both in training and implementation of Lean Construction with important construction companies and in different ventures (more than 30 projects so far in Uruguay).
“We go hand in hand with the academic and corporate world; We have links with the Chamber of Construction and universities, in the undergraduate and postgraduate areas, to generate the dissemination and theoretical framework so that continuous improvement has where to lean. In the most corporate part, in recent years, the industry at a global level and also at a local level is understanding that it needs to generate a change and be more efficient”, argued Badano.
“In this context, companies in Uruguay are following paths of improvement, of incorporating innovation, of new tools. Lean Construction is part of this change, which has proven worldwide to be one of the most efficient systems for managing production on a construction site. In Uruguay we have worked with different companies and the reception, both professionally and academically, has been enormous. Online what is happening in Latin America”, he added.
In our country, Plann3 has implemented Lean Construction in projects such as UPM2, Ava La Caleta, CarOne, Bilú Riviera, Carrasco Valley, Frigorífico Tacuarembó, Nostrum Plaza II, among others.
According to Loblowitz, one of the “most notable” connections has been with UPM. Something remarkable happened there. “In a construction site where we spent about 11 months, on the last day the person in charge of a subcontract comes up to me and says: ‘I want to thank you; not only for managing and helping my work, but because you managed to put together a work team’. Something that was very complicated at first, due to the differences between them. He made me happy because what you want is that, to help people, beyond the objective of efficiency and effectiveness of the work itself, ”he concluded.