Lawyer Jonathan Brown, referred this Monday to the Law of Extinction of Domain in Panama, assuring that this regulation directly and mainly affects the “standing Panamanian”.
“This law seeks, in a nutshell, for the State to appropriate assets from organized crime and its objective is to combat organized crime, but this law has its drawbacks, so much so that it is in default because several unions and sectors are affected,” he pointed out.
He asserted that ordinary Panamanians are the ones affected by this law. “A normal person who rents his house or apartment with a contract and the person shows that he can indeed pay that rent, it turns out to be or has been given that that person used the house for illicit goods and the State seeks or has applied as a reference that extinction of domain to those people who had nothing to do with the act”, explained the lawyer.
He stressed that there is currently an Organized Crime Department and is responsible for confiscating assets already from criminals. “The act or fact of bringing this into law, more than anything else, the law should be restructured because the one who will be affected will be the Panamanian thrown out, the one who wants to overcome,” he said.