The first diagnosis “was that he had inflammation in the spinal cord from the incident eight years ago (when he was shot),” however, it could be the bipolymers. La Segura asks for help to find a medical solution.
Cali News.
Natalia Segura, the influencer known as ‘La Segura’, went back to her social networks to talk about the health problems that afflict her, and that even “sometimes I can’t sleep, I live with pain” and what could be, effects of biopolymers that was applied several years ago.
“I can’t stand for long,” she said through tears.

He put on these items 14 years ago, when he was still very young, «that in my ignorance I did not know what I was wearing». And he asked, “for God’s sake don’t do it, don’t put them on anymore!”
A few months ago, he said that he was resting and undergoing medical treatment due to the consequences of the attack they did a few years ago, when he was shot.
‘La Segura’, said that he has not been able to work.
He asked that a specialist can help him find a solution to his health problems.
Although if he has managed to make some videos, “I need to take a break to be able to recover.”
At this moment, he is in Medellín, where he will spend .
solidarity messages
The influencer thanked those who have supported her with her career in social networks, “here you can also talk about this, that being bad also happens to us.”
She said that she already has two appointments with two specialists, “I am aware that my diagnosis is much more difficult (…) I am not only a patient with biopolymers, if I do not have surgery I can continue prolonging this suffering of terrifying pain, if I have surgery they can help me relieve me.”
After her videos, from Greeicy Rendón to Lina Tejeiro, other characters and influencers sent her messages of solidarity.
The use of biopolymers in Colombia has left not only actresses, influencers with serious consequences and long medical recovery processes.
There are thousands of women, and many men too, sick, going through surgeries, painful massage sessions, with long periods of incapacity.
Despite the serious consequences that the application of these elements can leave, in Colombia many continue to apply them, and also, in garage clinics and even well-known aesthetic centers, they continue to apply them.
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