After two years of distance learning due to the covid-19 pandemic, students continue to be affected. Now, because of the political and social crisis that the country is going through.
The data obtained by the Ministry of Education (Meduca), after the return to face-to-face classes, in this 2022, are negative and show the level of deterioration that exists in Panamanian education, which includes a loss of learning after they were closed schools due to the pandemic.
Given these closures and demonstrations by various teachers’ unions, the National Director of Special Education at Meduca, Kiria Kant, stressed that classes continue to be taught over the radio with the program called “Connect with the star,” which ranges from preschool to middle school.
“These classes have their schedules, it is at the national level. We also have the Ester platform where you will find the repertoire of the classes, but we do appeal that the classrooms can be reopened because the student needs to be attended, they need to access the educational system and that accompaniment of the teacher, the special teacher and the technicians”, he remarked.
Kant explained that the classes that are being passed are those that were given during confinement, since they are part of the competency-based curriculum of Panama, and are linked to the school textbooks that students have at home.