In a unanimous decision, the Court of Appeals of Valdivia, Los Ríos region, confirmed the sentence that fined the supermarket Mayorista 10, of the company Super 10 SA, for not respecting the right of its workers to feed their children.
Specifically, the first courtroom upheld the ruling handed down by the Valdivia Labor Court of First Instance and did not give rise to the claim for a fine filed by the aforementioned company. In this way, it rejected, with costs, the appeal for annulment against the ruling that declared legal the fine of 153 UTM that the Provincial Labor Inspection imposed on it for not granting its workers at least one hour a day to attend to feed their workers. their children under the age of two.
The ruling maintains that the inspection procedure stems from a complaint filed by union No. 2 of the business establishment SUPER 10 SA, located on Avenida Picarte de Valdivia, which is recorded in the inspection process.
Supermarket lawyers disputed that the workers involved were not interviewed. However, for the court, said argument lacks sufficient force to distort the facts verified by the minister of faith.
Given all of the above, the court rejected the appeal for annulment filed by the lawyer Carlos Gutiérrez de Torres, on behalf of SUPER 10 SA or Mayorista 10, as it is publicly known, against the judgment issued in December of last year, issued from the Valdivia Labor Court of First Instance.
In this way, the company must pay the fine of 153 UTM imposed by the Provincial Labor Inspectorate, which translates into $9,478,962.