The chain of Tottus supermarkets It offers its customers high quality products but at super affordable prices. On this occasion the store is looking to fill job vacancies.
Below we reveal to you what are the vacancies of employment to be filled in the Tottus supermarkets and how you can apply for the position.
What vacancies are available in Tottus supermarkets?
Tottus Supermarket has assured that they have many job vacancies to fill by 2025. Most of them are for branches located in various regions of the country, such as Metropolitana, Valparaíso, Atacama and O’Higgins.
The vacancies to be filled are the following:
- Customer Engagement Senior – Metropolitan Region.
- Receptionist, FT, Tottus Peñaflor – Metropolitan Region.
- Securities Supervisor, FT, Talca Alameda – Maule Region.
- Head of Perishables, FT, Tottus Quilin – Metropolitan Region.
- Head of cashier, FT, Tottus Vitacura – Metropolitan Region.
- Stock Analyst, FT, Tottus Reñaca – Valparaíso Region.
- Head of People, Tottus Vallenar – Atacama Region.
- Store Manager, FT, Tottus San Fernando – O’Higgins Region.
- Meat Category Manager – Metropolitan Region.
- Head PGC, FT, Tottus Melipilla – Metropolitan Region.

How to apply to work at Tottus?
If you want to apply for any of the vacancies at Tottus supermarket you must enter the job portal from said store. There you will find all the available job offers, along with their respective requirements and main functions to perform.
Once inside the job portal, select the offer that interests you and click on the “apply” box, if you meet the desired profile requested by Tottus.
When finished, you must log in to the portal (or create an account), access your profile, fill in the information and, when finished, click on “apply now”.