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IV Sunday of Advent (A)

“Her husband José, as he was fair and did not want to embarrass her, decided
secretly repudiate it. (…) When Joseph woke up from sleep, he did as the Angel of the Lord told him.
had commanded, and took his wife with him” Mt 1, 19.24

On this fourth Sunday of Advent the Church gives us the opportunity to look and
admire the figure of Saint Joseph, and thus learn with him to receive the mysterious presence in faith
of Jesus in our lives.
José and María were not yet living together when María became pregnant by the work of the
Holy Spirit. Certainly José was very scared with this whole story. Mary will
I would have told all the details, but he still couldn’t understand what was going on.
How could Maria be pregnant?
Could it be true, that God had justly chosen his promise-wife, to be the mother
From Salvador?
And he, what should he do?
What implications for your life did the presence of this child bring?
Night fell in the life of José. He didn’t understand. He was afraid. he suffered. He was praying.
We don’t know everything that will have gone through his mind. Besides, he knew that if people
found out that Maria was expecting a child that was not hers, she would possibly be
stoned in public And this, he did not want. He loved her: Maria was the woman of her life. But,
on the other hand, he did not feel capable of assuming this responsibility. He overcame the difficulty
of such a situation: either because he was not completely convinced, or because he did not feel
the height of such an important mission.
The fact is that he decided to disown her in secret. José wanted to escape from this
situation. However, even in this attitude, in this decision to leave him, we can
recognize the nobility of this man. He wanted to protect the virgin Mary. disowning her
secretly, probably, it was he who would get the bad reputation, more than Maria, no one
it would touch him
José, a sensitive man, did not want to harm María, but he was afraid that she would
presence of this child, change your life too much.
It is at this moment that the Lord intervenes with the presence of his angel. God asks
Jose’s collaboration. God counts on his help. Not only the Virgin Mary was the chosen one
for this mission. Joseph was also in God’s plans. It was he, Joseph descendant of
David, who should give the name to Jesus. His presence in Maria’s life was not a
chance, but God in his providence had already thought of it. And because of that, José could not
flee. God needed his presence, his collaboration.
Listening to the angel, Joseph’s eyes open, he wakes up from the dream of doubt and
of fear, his night ends, he receives the light again, and now he can take a new e
enlightened decision: give his life for that child that Mary carries in her womb. assumes

the mission of supporting this child, of loving and educating him as a father, of providing in his
poverty everything necessary so that he and his mother can live God’s project
protecting them in dangers. Joseph said yes to God.
Ah José, how beautiful your story! So human! so heartfelt!
You certainly have a lot to say to each of us, for Christmas is not
should be lived only as a historical memory of something very distant, but rather as a
current intervention of God in our lives, if we understand that this coming child
wants to change our whole history, wants to teach us a new way of living, of
to think, to relate to others, to use material goods, to work…
then, fear, anguish, doubt will also be born in us… we too
We will feel the temptation to run away, to hide, or to say “no, this is not my concern”…
Oh God, as you have sent an angel to Joseph, within us, manifest yourself
also to us. Enlighten us with your word. Open our eyes. help us understand
your will.
Ah, José, help us to say yes, to God’s project. Help us welcome this child with
his mother in our house, in our life, joyfully assuming its consequences.
Help us to have the courage to change our routine, to conform our life to the
will of God, without fear of being happy.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine and have mercy on you.
The Lord turn his affectionate look and give you PEACE.
Brother Mariosvaldo Florentino, Capuchin.

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