IPVA: see the payment schedule for Mato Grosso

IPVA: check the payment schedule in the state of Acre

The payment of the Motor Vehicle Property Tax (IPVA) is available in the state of Acre since January 1st. The amount can be paid in cash, with a 10% discount, or in up to three installments. The deadline for payment of the single quota ends on January 31st, with the end of license plates 1 and 2. Vehicles with final license plate 0, on the other hand, have a deadline for payment of the single quota or first installment, on August 31st. The minimum value of each installment cannot be less than R$ 50.00.IPVA: check the payment schedule in the state of Acre

The tax is calculated based on the local market value, determined in a survey by the Economic Research Institute Foundation (Fipe). The rate is 1% of the total value of the vehicle for motorcycles and 2% for other vehicles.

The State Department of Transit (Detran) of Acre reported that in order to pay the tax, the owner must issue the State Collection Document (DAE) through the website www.detran.ac.gov.br, or pick it up at the IPVA Tax Office, located on the premises of the State Department of Transit (Detran), or at the agencies of the Treasury Department (Sefaz) in each municipality. Payment can now also be made via Pix.

Vehicles manufactured more than 10 years ago, from registered philanthropic entities, rental, official and adapted for people with physical disabilities are exempt from paying the tax.

Check the calendar:

Check the IPVA payment schedule in Acre

Check the IPVA payment schedule in Acre – Disclosure/Sefaz-AC

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