The President of the Republic, Mario Abdo Benítez, sent to the Chamber of Deputies the request for the intervention of the Government of Guairá. Said request begins and ends in the Lower House.
The Secretary of State for Taxation (SET) reported that they found several irregularities in the use of Covid-19 funds by the institution, for which they have already brought the case to the attention of the Prosecutor’s Office. They speak of the use of cloned invoices, among other irregularities.
The SET announced that it will sue the Governor because they were unable to access the institution’s documents due to alleged obstacles by the aforementioned authority. The case is similar to what happened in Central, with the Chartist governor Hugo Javier González.
The Departmental Board of Guairá approved last February the intervention of the Government, for an alleged waste of USD 2 million that the central government transferred for economic reactivation and social aid, in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic.