Reos denuncian epidemia de tuberculosis en el retén de San Carlos

Inmates denounce tuberculosis epidemic at the San Carlos checkpoint

Inmates denounce tuberculosis epidemic at the San Carlos checkpoint
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Inmates of the San Carlos Arrest Center, in Zulia state, reported an epidemic of tuberculosis and asked the authorities to test them. A spokesman addressed his message to Nicolás Maduro and to deputies Diosdado Cabello and Pedro Carreño, of the National Assembly elected in 2020.

“I ask you, on behalf of all my colleagues and the people who are here suffering from this disease, your great support for the president of the Judicial Circuit of Zulia state so that they work here, together with prosecutor 75, who has been working since They have been doing health tests for days, but they do not give us a prompt response, “he said.

The man, in a video released by the NGO A window to Freedomassured that more than a week ago one of the inmates died, identified as Nelson Fernandez. “We have a chronic tuberculosis pandemic and our colleagues are suffering,” he added.

Overcrowding of 530 prisoners

He also stated that the authorities have not responded to the overcrowding in which they live. “This is a preventive detention center, which was built for 80 people, and right now we have an overcrowding of 530 prisoners“, he pointed.

They demand the intervention of the so-called Presidential Commission for the Judicial Revolution. The human rights organization said that the detainees, if they do not get answers in the next few hours, threaten a hunger strike.

Enough of them playing with our lives. We are human beings, it hurts us that our families are extorted,” said the spokesman.

The NGO pointed out that after a health day it was learned that a detainee was in the General Hospital of Santa Bárbara in serious condition. While in the prevention center there were two inmates with tuberculosis in regular conditions.

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