The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) delivered its Informal Employment and Social Security report for the March-May 2022 quarter, and the entity highlighted as the proportion of informal workers in the period was 44.7% which meant a decrease of 3.1 percentage points compared to the same quarter of the previous year (47.8%).
(See: These are the job vacancies offered by Ecopetrol).
Likewise, for the main 13 cities and metropolitan areas of the country, the indicator also showed an improvement of 3.1 percentage points, and in this case it went from 46.6% in 2021 to 43.5% for this year.
The Dane highlighted that for that period, in the 13 cities, the proportion of employed men who were informal was 43.5%, which meant a decrease of 3.9 points compared to the figure of 47.4% in 2021, while for women had the same rate, 43.5%, but in this case the decrease it was 2.0 percentage points in relation to the same quarter of the previous year (45.5%).
(See: Job creation record in the industrial sector).
For the analysis period, of the 23 cities and metropolitan areas, those with the highest proportion of informality were: sincelejo (66.1%), Cúcuta and its metropolitan area (65.2%) and Valledupar (63.0%). The cities with the lowest proportion of informality were: Bogota D.C. (34.3%), Manizales and its metropolitan area (39.1%) and Medellin and its metropolitan area (41.4%).
(See: Unemployment reached 10.6% in May driven by the municipalities).
Regarding the social security figures, it is noteworthy that 93.3% of the employed in the 13 cities and metropolitan areas in the moving quarter March-May 2022 reported being affiliated with social security in health, which represented an increase of 1.2 percentage points compared to the same quarter of the previous year (92.1%). Regarding pensions, the proportion of employed contributors was 56.4%.