The National Alliance of Small Businesses (ANPEC) reported that 16 of the 24 products of the basic basket found in the Package Against Inflation and Famine (PACIC) increased their price between 10 to 200% during May, so the process for curb inflation it will be “long and winding”.
Cuauhtemoc Rivera, president of the ANPECaffirmed that inflation, which is reported at the highest level of the last two decades, “has literally eaten the increases to the minimum wage, leaving people’s purchasing power below.”
He reported that six out of 10 Mexicans still do not have enough to be able to buy the food that their households demand and two out of 10 live hungry, suffer from malnutrition and put their health at maximum risk.
When evaluating the behavior of prices in small businesses, he said that the orange faces the highest cost increase of 200% from April to May of this year, detected in Tabasco; with an increase of 50% in Hidalgo and 20% in Mexico City.
ANPEC’s monthly periodic market survey to measure the behavior of prices of some products that make up the basic basket reveals that the pork chop, beef steak and whole chicken presented an increase of 10% on the national average.
Although the government is confident that prices will find an equilibrium point once the tariffs are eliminated and take pressure off the cost.
It was found that in oaxaca, the price of eggs rose 43%; in sound increased 23% and in the Mexico City remained unchanged, with an average cost of 43 pesos.
Other products that registered an increase for housewives is the onion that rose 57.89%; potato 40%; rice 28.57%; sugar 16.67%; beans 12.50%; toilet paper 12%; sardines 10.53%; can of tuna 10%; oil 8.89%; among others.
Meanwhile, six products maintained their price (apples, jalapeño peppers, pasta for soup, tortillas, carrots and toilet soap) and two lowered their prices (milk and lemon).
“The aim is to strengthen the anti-inflationary plan by promoting “self-consumption”, that is, calling on the population to grow what they eat; This type of actions regularly registered in war economies reveals how complicated it is and will be to control the harmful and pernicious consequences of inflation in the remainder of the year and the next”, considered the businessman.