The Ministry of Energy adjusted the seasonal price of electricity by an average 18%, one of the components of the final rate together with transportation, distribution and taxes, and it was specified that in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) the final invoice of the users will not exceed 22%.
The measure was taken through resolution 105/2022 published this Thursday in the Official Gazette, and which partially modifies resolution 40 of January 31.
The increase “represents a decrease in the contributions of the National State” in the form of subsidies, and “will be applied uniformly throughout the country,” said Energy in a statement.
“The final impact on the bills of users will be 18% on average, depending on each jurisdiction,” indicated the department headed by Darío Martínez, who in turn clarified that “the impact on the bills in the AMBA (Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires) of the Seasonal Price plus Transportation and Distribution will never exceed 22%”.
The new values were determined after the Public Hearing on February 17 and 18 and cover the Reference Price of Power (Potref), the Stabilized Price of Energy (PEE) for the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) and the Stabilized Price Transport (PET), which together make up the so-called “Seasonal Price”.
“The Seasonal Price is a component of the bills that users pay for electricity supply, set periodically by the Ministry of Energy and uniformly applied,” the statement said, in addition to noting that “the The final invoice is made up of this price together with transportation rates, taxes and distribution value added, which is set by each jurisdiction”.
In the recitals of the norm, what was stated by Martínez in the Public Hearing was recalled, regarding that “the commitment is that the tariff adjustments are always less than the increases in the salaries of the workers.”
“The State cannot set aside its planning and regulatory role so that everyone has access to a public service with fair and reasonable rates,” said the official.