Today: February 7, 2025
December 8, 2022
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In Caacupé they defended that the Church get into politics

Hoy Paraguay

During the religious celebration in Caacupé, the influence of the Church in the political sphere was one of the points addressed and defended.

Our greatest desire, as a Church, lies in collaborating from the formation of a Christian conscience for the reconstruction of our townof our Paraguayan nation, illuminate the history of Paraguay with the light of the Gospel”, the Bishop of Caacupé said this Thursday, Ricardo Valenzuela.

He stressed that it is necessary to propose an evaluation of the current realitynot simply to criticize it but to amend errors, correct mistakes, reorient the life of the nation in order not to experience that bitter prophecy of the Lord Jesus about his homeland that was drawn threatening for the near future of that time.

The bishop took a look at all aspects of the life of the nation: the social or political spheres, the economy, education, the Church, science, the administration of justice, the powers of the State and everything that affects the daily dynamics of every Paraguayan: the poor, the indigenous, the landless, drugs, drug trafficking, the use and abuse of politics understood today as business and influence peddling.

Not infrequently one hears, in certain circles, the erroneous and interested idea that “the Church should not get involved in politics”, a conceptual mistake that must be refuted with the same evangelical text that is usually used to try to silence the prophetic voice and corner the message of the Kingdom of God in the sacristies and in the privacy of the individual conscience, as Saint John Paul II told us, in the Palace of the López family”, he commented.

At another time he indicated that the Church “does not get involved in politics”, as is customary to say; rather it illuminates politics with the Word of God because “politics must be the highest form of charity” (quoting Pope Francis). “Since Pope Leo XIII (1891) with his Encyclical Rerum Novarum, the Church has shown, with greater force, its concern for workers, for economic policies and the common good (upe ñande rupytypava entérope)”.

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At another point, he stressed that the state cannot exceed its limits nor do what you want with the image of God, which is man and woman, the old man, the young man and the born and unborn child because they are not the property of the State but of the Most High Lord. And here the Church intervenes in its prophetic and humanitarian mission.

He added: “The The Church is called to promote the spiritual development of believers and of all people, especially at a time, like ours, in which the people feel besieged and harassed by strange ideologies. and by political proposals and administrative models lacking in seriousness and moral support”.

noted that “the political” and “the social” they cannot be dissociated and that rigorous supervision of the management of public affairs is necessary. “We all want a better life, a dignified life, with work, fair wages, training, health, rest as a response to our own effort, as so many fathers and mothers, brothers, children, grandchildren do, with tenacity, in a joint effort. We also expect that “effort” from our “Joker ATM”, the Paraguayan State, whose administrators urgently need quick lessons in suitability and honesty”, he highlighted.

He asked the national, departmental and municipal authorities to do well what they should do and to honestly manage the resources that the people entrust to them. That they administer them in favor of the people, especially the humble people. In this sense, he recalled that the authorities, the people as sovereign, have not been given the power to enrich themselves more and more, as we observe daily in the daily complaints of corruption. On the contrary, they were given the mission of safeguarding and investing public money for the good of citizens and especially those most in need.

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