Within the framework of the investigated case on Electoral Crimes, prosecutor Eugenio Ocampos, from Unit No. 2 Specialized in Electoral Crimes, expanded the accusation for Election Falsification (Art. 276 Penal Code), against the members of the polling station.
As co-authors they were charged Jorge Alberto Gaona (42), Leyla Elizabeth González Roa (36) and Arnoldo Nicolás Penzkofer Cáceres (23). The fiscal representation required the Court to dictate alternative measures to prison.
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It should be remembered that the fiscal agent Eugenio Ocampos had already filed charges against Juan José López Osorio, by Art 276 – Falsification of Elections. He himself was in the dark room and in his possession several voting papers were found.
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According to the account of the facts, it was intended to upload bulletins already signed by the board members.
The entrance Imputation for falsification in the elections is extended was first published on newspaper TODAY.