“I hope to have a coffee soon with the Governor of Panama Oeste”, Eduardo Leblanc

Angel Valdes | January 24, 2023

After the controversy that occurred over the weekend between the Governor of Panama Oeste, Sindy Smith, and the Ombudsman, Eduardo Leblanc about the use of the beaches, the defender invited the Governor to have a coffee to talk about the issue. .

“I want to send a hug to Governor Smith, I hope to have a coffee soon, either in her office or in mine, I have no problem with that, I go to the governor’s office and hug her and we have coffee,” Leblanc said.

The controversy arose when Smith invited the Ombudsman to leave his office and do field work and feel for himself what the population living near the beaches and rivers experience during the summer season and where a schedule had been implemented. until 5:30 p.m. to have a control but the ombudsman considered that this was a violation of human rights and the government backed down and left everything as it was before.

“We can even inspect the beaches together, but the constitution is clear, the beaches are for public use and we all have the right to use them, the few public beaches that we have are charged, the few public beaches that we have have a police station a kilometer and a half from the beach where they tell you that you cannot carry glass bottles, the point is that it is a human right and social welfare is a human right, if the excuse is to collect garbage, that is the duty of the officials from the mayor’s office, from the municipalities, from the locals to collect the garbage and there is also an issue, we Panamanians are pigs, even I include myself”, concluded Leblanc

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