On Sunday, June 5, at Gentleman A new head of the Executive Branch will be elected to replace Governor Omar Fayad. The campaign ran from April 3 to June 1. The winner of the next elections will take office on September 5, 2022 and will govern a population of 3,082,841 inhabitants.
fayad will deliver favorable notes in terms of economic growth, job creation and public debt management, but bad grades in informality and working poverty.
In Hidalgo, in addition to Spanish, the languages nahua, otomi, Totonac Y tepehua. Therefore, with the aim of guaranteeing the electoral political rights of the peoples and indigenous communitiesthe State Electoral Institute of Hidalgo (IEE), approved the translation and interpretation of the campaign materials produced and disseminated by the candidates.
To prevent possible contagion of Covid-19the IEE itself is requiring the use of face masks by all those attending the polls (officials and voters) as well as avoiding kiss, hand or hug greetings.
Who are the candidates to govern Hidalgo?
- Caroline Viggiano Austria: For many years he has been in the PRI, now he represents the alliance formed by PAN, PRI and PRD.
- Julio Menchaca: formerly a PRI militant, today Morena’s candidate
- Francisco Xavier Berganza: famous singer of the eighties left the medium of entertainment to devote himself to politics. He has been involved in the PAN, PRI, Convergencia, Nueva Alianza parties and is now a candidate for Movimiento Ciudadano.
- Jose Luis Lima: ex-priista and morenista, now he is a candidate of the Green Party (PVEM).
As in other electoral processes, the National Electoral Institute (INE) makes a website available to citizens to locate the box where to vote Just go to https://ubicatucasilla.ine.mx/ place the state and the electoral section that is published on the INE credential.