Apolice officers assigned to the High Technology Crime and Crime Investigation Department (say), arrested a man accused of defrauding a citizen with the sum of 144,050 pesos, after posing as her cousin through the use of social networks.
The detainee is Noel del Rosario Rodriguez, who was arrested by judicial arrest warrant, after being the beneficiary of two bank deposits, one of 85,500 and another 58,550, fraudulently.
According to the report, the affected lady had made those deposits to Rosario Rodríguez, after through the social network Facebook and the instant messaging application WhatsApp, pretended to be a cousin of hers, telling her that I would send him from abroad four boxes, two tanks and two vehicles, being all this one ruse to trick her.
The detainee will be placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry for the corresponding legal purposes.