The government will assume 100% of the increases in all fuels, allocating more than RD$1,355 million, as announced by the Vice Minister of Internal Trade Ramón Pérez Fermín this Friday.
He explained that as of Wednesday, June 1, 2022, the international price of WTI averaged US$113.88, for an increase of 2.4% in relation to the average of the previous week, reflecting the WTI an accumulated increase only so far this year of 45.5%.
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Analyzing the international context of prices, he added that along with the well-known fact of the war in Ukraine, increasing the price of oil, there is also the alarming report that the United States has significantly and unexpectedly decreased inventory reserves. of oil of 5,068 million barrels, much higher than the estimated drop of 1,350 million barrels.
“All this keeps oil always on the verge of 115 dollars, putting pressure on the prices of derivatives, in turn impacting the markets of non-importing countries, as is the case of the Dominican Republic,” he said.
He also detailed that LPG must have risen more than 10 pesos per gallon; Premium Gasoline more than 83 pesos per gallon; while Regular Gasoline had to do it in almost 90 pesos; Regular Diesel almost 95 pesos and Optimal Diesel 90 pesos per gallon.
“This week, again, the Government of President Luis Abinader has determined to benefit from Decree 625-11, assuming 1,355 million pesos, preventing these increases from occurring and impacting the pockets of Dominicans”, he reiterated.
For the week from June 4 to 10, 2022, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MiPymes provides that fuels be marketed at the following prices:
- Premium gasoline will be sold at RD$293.60 per gallon, maintaining its price.
- Regular Gasoline RD$274.50 per gallon maintains its price.
- Regular Diesel RD$221.60 per gallon maintains its price.
- Optimum Diesel RD$241.10 per gallon maintains its price.
- Avtur RD$298.91 per gallon maintains its price.
- Kerosene RD$338.10 per gallon maintains its price.
- Fuel Oil #6 RD$192.11 per gallon maintains its price.
- Fuel Oil 1%S RD$211.77 per gallon maintains its price.
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) RD$147.60 per gallon maintains its price.
- Natural Gas RD$28.97 per m3 maintains its price.
The weekly average exchange rate is RD$55.28 from the Central Bank’s daily publications.