Announced for the beginning of 2023 the construction of new multiple aqueducts with an investment of RD$1,650 million through Inapa in the province of Santiago Rodríguez
The Government yesterday began construction work on the campus of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD)in Santiago Rodriguezwith an investment of RD$648 million.
As part of a working day, the president Louis Abinader assured that in his management “people come first” and the efficient use of public funds.
Yesterday the president held a conference in the province Santiago Rodriguez and Valverde, which included 10 activities, including the start of construction of the center UASDwhere he stated that with investments like this, the social and economic development of a country is achieved, since education is synonymous with progress.
“There is no better quality of public spending than what we are doing today for the Dominican Republic. This is spending quality, this is multiplying Dominican talents”, she expressed.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Housing and Buildings, Carlos Bonillasaid that “a trained young person adds to the development of a nation, it is therefore the commitment of this administration, to fulfill the promise of building a better future for the Dominican Republic.”
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In Santiago Rodriguez the president also began the third stage of the Great Power of God Clinicof Maritza Gomez Diaz; a 10-story building, with a private investment of US$12 million. It will have 100 hospitalization rooms, with an emergency area, surgery rooms and will generate one hundred direct jobs.
After a meeting on Saturday night with 400 livestock producers in the area, Abinader favored the revision of Law 180-01 on Dairy Development, and the presentation of a plan to prevent irrigation in times of drought, provide equipment and improve access to pastures and forages.
Supported the construction of eleven energy matrix exchange centers for the agricultural sector and the purchase of their products for social programs.
In Mao, Valverdeparticipated in an act of Supérate and in the conference First you; he met with banana producers at the inauguration of the experimental high school of the UASDa meeting with young people, visited the Agropecuria Fair and supervised the asphalting program of the MOPC.