The Ministry of Citizenship anticipated the annual payment schedule for Auxílio Brasil, in order to make the payment of R$ 600 for the benefit possible in the month of August. The measure is contained in Normative Instruction No. 18, published in the Official Diary of the Union today (25).
The calendar with the payment dates was made available in the annex to the normative instruction, based on the Social Registration Number (NIS) of each beneficiary. Currently, 17.5 million families are served by the program.
Payment of the aid is scheduled until December, as provided for in the constitutional amendment enacted on July 14 of that year by the National Congress.
Through a provisional measure, the federal government released an extraordinary credit of R$ 27 billion for the addition of R$ 200 to the benefit, as well as for the increase in the value of the Gas Aid and for the Food Acquisition and Distribution program for Family Farming. for the Promotion of Food and Nutrition Security (Programa Alimenta Brasil).
In the case of Auxílio Brasil, the funds will also be used to pay costs and bank charges related to the extension of the program.