In order to guarantee price stability in various mass consumption products, the governmentthrough the Ministry of Domestic Trade, reached an agreement with businessmen to bring prices back to March 10.
This is because, as indicated the executivemore than 1,700 products had increases of more than 7% so far in March, so the government seeks to protect consumers.
Also, during the meeting the government and the directors of the main supermarket and mass consumption chains agreed to guarantee the supply of food in the gondolas.
In addition, the Secretary of Domestic Trade, led by Roberto Feletti, promised to send producers and entrepreneurs a list of the products that have submitted auctions to review each case in detail.
In turn, Feletti reported that a work table will be formed to reach an agreement on prices and supply, after breaches in the Care Prices program were presented.
“It was detected that the supply of the +Precios Care program went from 80% to 60% in AMBA and that prices registered increases of up to 2.4% in a single day throughout the country, in very diverse items,” they indicated. .
The Government seeks to stop the escalation of prices
In addition to guaranteeing price stability in mass consumption products, the executive It also plans to adopt new measures to contain the increases in foods such as wheat and for which trusts have already been created.
This, as a consequence of the war escalation between Russia and Ukraine, which triggered the international markets with historical rises.
“The objective of these tables is to talk about the problems, reach an agreement and then comply with it. We have to agree that the inexplicable increases are rolled back,” said the government.