The federal government launched the public notice for the concession of the Humaitá National Forest. It is the first federal public forest to be concessioned in the state of Amazonas. The concession notice was released on Thursday (9) by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and should be published in the coming days.
In forest concessions, the private sector obtains the right to carry out forest management in a public forest, exploiting timber and non-timber forest products. Management is carried out for a predetermined period of time (up to 40 years).
The concessionaire must meet a set of contractual obligations and performance indicators. Concessionaires remunerate the government for their production, based on prices previously contracted and updated annually.
Envelopes for qualification documentation and technical and price proposals must be delivered by August 2, 2022. The opening session of envelopes containing technical proposals will take place on August 3, 2022. In addition to this, there are eight other forest concession projects in the Investment Partnership Program (PPI).