Marko Cortesnational president of BREAD, reiterated that if the PRI does not withdraw its constitutional reform initiative to extend until 2028 participation of the Army in public security tasks, the coalition “Va por México” does not make sense, integrated together with the PAN and PRDas the three parties agreed to a constitutional moratorium.
After participating in an event of the 300 Leaders, the PAN leader revealed that on Friday he learned about the initiative presented by the PRI deputy Yolanda de la Torre, and on Saturday he spoke with the PRI leader, Alejandro Moreno, to express his annoyance. .
“We found out on Friday afternoon, because a deputy from Morena said that the PRI had presented a constitutional reform to militarize the country, and true, they presented it through the back door, without going up to the podium, ignoring paperwork, only they published it and this also catches our attention, the urgency, the form, and of course I spoke with Alejandro last Saturday, I expressed my surprise, my disagreement, and this afternoon we will see it to see what position they are going to have on the matter “, said.
Asked if it is a definitive rupture of the PAN and PRD with the PRI, Cortes Mendoza He said: “I would hope that the International Revolutionary Party revalues the initiative that it presented, and that it allows compliance with the agreements of the Va por México coalition to have a strong, organized, national civil police that gives us security, and that our Armed Forces they do collaborate, but always as second responders, after our civil police have acted. That is why we made the constitutional moratorium, to put it very clearly, so that they do not weaken the INE or the electoral court, take care of democracy and prevent the country from continuing to be militarized”, he maintained.
Insisting on whether the Alliance would continue, he said: “the goal of the Va por México coalition, which has a reason for being, would be completely lost: to take care of our country; We do not join forces to win elections to win, the reason is to take care of Mexico and we have to be consistent, brave.” And he added: “Today what is at risk is the country, before talking about any electoral coalition.”
He said that “it is false that we want to return them to the barracks, who proposed that was López Obrador and he did not comply. What we want is that they not be overexposed (to the military), that the first responder be a national civilian police and that only when it is overcome in particular situations, then the Armed Forces accompany us to provide us with security.”
He argued that the government wanted a Military National Guard, not civilianand although there is now the command of a military command, there is more insecurity in the country.
Marko Cortés asked the PRI to reflect on his initiative. He said he knew that even some PRI senators and deputies were not in favor of said initiative, so he said he trusted that the majority of PRI members had the same strength they showed in opposing and voting against the electricity reform.
“We were surprised by the urgency with which this initiative is presented, the way it is in the dark and behind. I don’t know what interests are behind that initiative, what I hope is the height of sight to defend Mexico.”