The candidate for president of the ANR, Horacio Cartes, went to Guairá this morning to accompany the tour of Santiago Peña and Pedro Alliana. The locals welcomed the former president en masse.
To the cries of “Horacio president”, colorados received the candidate to the Governing Board of the ANR, Horacio Cartes, who arrived for the closing of the Honor Colorado tour in Guairá.
On the occasion he shared with the residents and with the weavers, who had the opportunity to exchange a few words with him and to exhibit their work.
A crowd receives and accompanies Cartes in Guaira.
– Newspaper TODAY Paraguay (@hoypy) July 23, 2022
“Our campaign is going to change, because now we are going to work five times more, (…) I can only lean back on this old adage, that God’s times are perfect, we know where this comes from, for more than a year, the The highest authorities are threatening Honor Colorado, because Horacio is not going to arrive, it will be known in due course,” said Cartes.
He announced that it will be known who are the corrupt, where and how they steal and thanked the public for the accompaniment. He revealed that from the Ministry of the Interior, on two occasions the current head, Federico González, approached him with the information that they want to attempt against his life. “Nde jukase president, and I told him, I handle the information, but I am more concerned about something else, being in the mouth of people, who want to get us out of the field, and they can get us out, but if they leave us alive, I can assure you that this sir is going to be the next president.”
In his turn, the vice-presidential candidate, Pedro Alliana, expressed his support for Cartes and maintained that, to be president of the Colorado Party, character, affection, commitment and love for the party and for Paraguay are needed, conditions that he attributed to the former president. .
“He has shown the love he has for the party, because he bet on the Colorado Party at the worst moment of the party, on the plain, when many believed that the party would never return, he went out to work with the caudillos and grassroots leaders, with the candidates for mayor in 2010 to regain power”, said Alliana.
For his part, the pre-candidate for president, Santiago Peña, highlighted César Luis Sosa as a candidate for governor of Guairá and assured that the polls are widely favorable for him.
“My dear César, this republican meeting represents the march of a country that dares to dream and look straight ahead to the future, the Paraguayan people are masters of their destiny, and we Colorados have the responsibility,” he said.