Home CaribbeanDominican Republic Gender equality in schools clashes opinions from sectors

Gender equality in schools clashes opinions from sectors

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Gender equality in schools clashes opinions from sectors

After the suspension of the workshop on gender equality at the Víctor Antonio Liz School by the Ministry of Public Health, voices from the coast of academies and churches show contrasting visions. Some applaud the measure, others reject it and call it “backwards.”

In this regard, the newspaper Hoy consulted different voices, including Virtues of the Rose, director of the Gender and Family Institute of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), argued that the country “is being impacted by a lack of knowledge between sex and gender.”

The university professor explained that sex as such is nothing more than “a biological condition with which we are born.” “while gender is “the patterns of behavior that society builds in the person according to the sex they are born with.”

De la Rosa assured that women are educated as an “inferior” being, on the other hand, men are trained to be decision makers and that they must resolve things “with force.”

He indicated that the decision of the Minister of Public Health, Victor Atallahwith the suspension of the “Young to Young” program at the Víctor Antonio School Liz is wrong and poorly informed

“The Minister of Public Health must seek advice from specialists in the Social Sciences so that he can properly orient himself and make an informed decision,” De la Rosa stressed.

The expert explained that gender transversality is a constitutional mandate of Law 1-12 of the National Development Strategy.

“No minister should be above the legal and juridical decisions of our country,” exclaimed the gender specialist and emphasized that education in gender equality contributes to reducing levels of violence, insecurity and “building a more equitable society, a family free of violence and inequalities within it.”

He criticized that sectors have “distorted the fight for equality” and assured that these social groups make people believe that when this issue is addressed it is a promotion of homosexuality “to confuse and scare the family.”

Meanwhile, with a distant vision, the president of the Dominican Council of Evangelical Unity (Codue), Feliciano Lancespecified that the “gender equity” program is a global agenda for the promotion of gender ideology with the aim of deconstructing the nucleus of the family.

Pastor Feliciano Lancen speaks out against teaching on gender equality and equity. (External source).

He regretted being surprised that officials insist on deconstructing the family, “a social cell that has cost the Dominican family so much.”

Pastor Lance that beyond his religious vision, science empirically demonstrates the fact that men and women have different genetic compositions.

The religious leader assured that this type of teaching aims to wash the “brain” to confuse the population. He added that the 2015 Constitution of the Dominican Republic stipulates in its article 39 that it guarantees the equality of “all Dominicans.”

Of interest: Promotion for gender equality

He advocated for equality in education and justice because there are citizens with great limitations and the country must be united, “but not with an equality that is fashionable, a global agenda that is fashionable everywhere that wants to deconstruct the family.”

He congratulated the head of the Ministry of Public Health, Víctor Atallah, for suspending the gender equity program. He criticizes that there are “groups paid by international agendas to promote” gender ideology “from State institutions.”

Lancen, on the other hand, expressed his support for comprehensive sexual education, where children are taught to know their bodies, but not a model that promotes sexual promiscuity through the provision of contraceptives, pushing adolescents into an active sexual life. without having the physical and psychological conditions.

«We as a country cannot fall into that hook of deconstructing the family, now coming with a new ideology. “The doctors, science says that it is not viable.”concluded the religious leader.

About suspension

It is recalled that last Friday, Minister of Public Health, Dr. Víctor Atallah, reported that he had not authorized the training activity on gender equality at the Víctor Antonio Liz educational center, so he ordered the suspension while they review the program or content.

Historical clashes on gender equality

“Don’t mess with my children”, in June 2019 was the slogan that mobilized hundreds of people in front of the Ministry of Education during the administration of Antonio Peña Mirabal to demand the exclusion of the curriculum on teaching “gender ideology” .

This mobilization occurred at the time of departmental order 33-2019 on gender policy that the Ministry of Education had published, a provision that generated rejection from broad sectors of national life, bringing together different religious and social groups in the streets and in Public opinion.

With this pressure, the authorities of the Executive Branch of the moment gave up on its implementation, however, the issue has had ups and downs.

Agustin Laje charges against gender ideology

In the heat of this confrontation or battle in public opinion, religious groups invited the Argentine political scientist and philosopher, Agustín Laje, to the country in 2019, who in various media outlets explained that gender ideology responds to a global agenda that goes against the family.

Laje during his appearance on radio, television and social networks, according to opinions he showed intellectual superiority when he defended the exclusion of the teaching of gender equality, which in itself is «gender ideology». The social scientist faced the feminist Sergia Galván and the political leader Faride Raful among other personalities.

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