Home South AmericaPeru Father and judge, a role model in his family

Father and judge, a role model in his family

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Father and judge, a role model in his family

In a society where gender roles have been historically marked, as coordinating judge of the Comprehensive Judicial Module of Arequipa, Luigi Otazú Vizcarra has witnessed the havoc that machismo can cause, but he has also decided to be part of the change. Otazú grew up in a traditional family environment, with sexist norms, where food was served to the man first. However, his professional and work training have allowed him to understand that household responsibilities must be shared. He knows that taking care of the children, domestic tasks such as washing, cleaning and cooking, are tasks that concern both him and his wife.

Although on more than one occasion he has been called “long bag” or “stepped on” for his friends, Otazu He has never felt offended. He knows that the man who fulfills his responsibilities at home, far from being an object of ridicule, should be seen as a role model.

“That man who fulfills his responsibilities at home should be seen as an example and is better than that man who insults.”says Otazu.

The path of being a father

At 26 years old, Otazú experienced the immense love that fatherhood brings with it. Before becoming a father, his parents warned him that his life would change, and they were right. Holding his first child in his arms, he felt the deepest love and overwhelming responsibility. He regrets that there is no “academy” that teaches how to be a father, and that everything is learned as we go, with successes and failures.

Two decades ago, there were no online tutorials on how to make baby food, bathe babies, or stimulate their development. There were also not as many products as those that exist today to facilitate childcare tasks.

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This year, when his wifethe organized crime prosecutor, María Alejandra Cárdenas, was transferred to Lima, he was left in charge of his youngest daughter of 13 years old, while the eldest 20 years old studying law in Lima.

Although he was accustomed to household chores and getting up early to help with breakfast and lunch box preparation, facing decisions about his daughter without constant consultation from his wife was emotionally challenging. The most frequently asked question about him is whether he does a good job as a father.

“My life partner is a support, with her I feel stronger to face any situation”highlights Otazu. Now appreciate technology. The virtual company of his wife through video calls became invaluable support.

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Protection measures

As a judge who dictates protection measures in favor of victims of violence, Otazu has seen firsthand the ravages of family violence, especially against women and children. For this reason, he takes advantage of each hearing to call the aggressors to reflect, aware that change must start from the roots.

One of the cases that impacted him the most was the sexual abuse perpetrated by a father against his four children, both girls and boys, in 2019. The oldest was only 12 years old. The man took advantage of the hours when his partner worked on the farm.

Luigi Otazú Vizcarra challenges stereotypes and demonstrates that active and engaged fatherhood is a model to follow. His love for his family and his fight for a more just society are a reminder that we can all contribute to change.


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