SANTO DOMINGO -Using the rules of international cooperation, a foreign government, covered by the recently approved Asset Forfeiture Law, could request the confiscation of goods or property in the Dominican Republic.
This is established in article 16 of the new regulations whose main objective is to recover assets that come directly or indirectly from an illegal act carried out in the national territory or abroad.
This article establishes the way in which a foreign authority could carry out this action and keep the seized assets to demonstrate that they used their territory to acquire properties in the country through illicit actions.
The territorial competence for the application of the aforementioned rule, specifically article 16, would be in charge of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeal in whose demarcation the assets subject to the action of domain extinction are located.
In the event that the assets are in different parts of the national territory, the application of this law will be in charge of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeal of the demarcation where there are the largest number of properties.
Through this article, the Dominican State could also make requests for the confiscation of assets abroad.
US Embassy
The United States showed its support for the implementation of the Asset Forfeiture Law after the Senate of the Republic approved the bill in a single reading this afternoon.
The main objective of the project is to recover the assets that come directly or indirectly from an illegal act carried out in the national territory or abroad.
The president of the Upper House, Eduardo Estrella; He said that the Domain Extinction Law was approved just as the people wanted it, as an organic law.