Today (18) the deadline for enrollment of those selected in the regular call (first call) of the Unified Selection System (Sisu) of the second semester ends. Students must register directly at the institutions where they were approved. The registration period started on the 13th of July.. In all, 59,937 students were selected in the regular call.
For candidates not selected in the regular call, there is the possibility of participating in the waiting list. In this case, the deadline for expressing interest in this list also ends this Monday. The manifestation must be made through the Sisu page. To access it, Click here.
Vacancies in dispute
Sisu is the computerized system of the Ministry of Education (MEC) in which public institutions of higher education, whether federal, state or municipal, offer vacancies to be disputed by candidates registered in each edition of the selection. Candidates are selected for the course options indicated at the time of registration, according to the best grade obtained in the most recent edition of the National High School Exam (Enem).
To participate in Sisu, the candidate must have taken the Enem – 2021 edition -, obtained a grade greater than zero in the writing test and not have declared himself a trainer when taking the test.
The vacancies offered at Sisu are distributed in accordance with the Quota Law (Law 12,711/2012) and with policies and affirmative actions adopted by public higher education institutions. Actions include reserving vacancies and applying bonuses on the candidate’s grade that meets the specified criteria.