Two new projects electric sector They were awarded by the Private Investment Promotion Agency (Proinversión) and will help improve energy supply in the regions of Cajamarca, Lambayeque and Tumbes.
Both were delivered to the company Acciona Concesiones and, according to Proinversión, will improve the well-being of more than 1.3 million people.
The entity also highlighted that, in addition to facilitating and improving access to education and health services, the projects “They will promote new ventures and productive, commercial and tourist activities, boosting competitiveness and economic growth in the three departments”.
The projects in question are called “Link 220 kV Reque-Nueva Carhuaquero, substations, lines and associated extensions” and “SE Nueva Tumbes 220/60 kV-75 MVA and LT 60 kV Nueva Tumbes-Tumbes”.
“The term of each concession will be 30 years from the Commercial Operation Commissioning (POC), which is scheduled for February 2026 and April 2025, respectively.”
The award will give rise to an investment of a little more than S/17.9 million and US$1.8 million per year in maintenance.