Alliance for Progress (APP) is the political party that presents 294 candidates investigated for corruption in these Regional and Municipal Elections 2022according to the platform Election Watch*, which systematizes the information from the applicants’ resumes, in addition to that provided by the Attorney General’s Office and the Public Ministry.
The region that more applicants with questions under their belt is concentrated in Lima (metropolitan and provincial) with 47. Then, there is the department of Cusco with 34. Likewise, in Cajamarca, 25 people are candidates with open processes. Finally, Áncash has 22 APP applicants denounced for corruption.
What also stands out is that in every region of the country at least one candidate from the Cesar Acuna party is investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office or will be tried by the Judiciary.
One case that stands out is that of Teófilo Espinoza Báñez, candidate for mayor of the Alexander von Humboldt district, in the department of Ucayali. The applicant of Alliance for Progress follows 27 fiscal and judicial processes, in which crimes of embezzlement, embezzlement, collusion, among others, stand out.
Similarly, Claudio Pillaca Cajamarca, who is running as district mayor of Humay (Pisco, Ica), faces 25 investigations for the alleged commission of the crime of embezzlement.
In the same department, Juan Mendoza Uribe, who is running for regional governor, is in the eyes of the Public Ministry, in addition to carrying out processes in the Judicial Branch. He is accused of the crimes of incompatible negotiation, embezzlement, collusion, among others.
*Electoral Surveillance 2022 is a project of the Gustavo Mohme Llona Foundation. You can access the interactive map at this link.