Eight members of a criminal structure known as Los Ratones, accused of multiple homicides under the modality of contract killers in the municipality of Candelaria (Valle), were sent to jail.
On the research it was established that the defendants were hired by various criminal gangs to carry out homicidesin order to maintain control of the sale and distribution of drugs in that area of the department.
According to Sandra Eugenia González Mina, Sectional Director of the Prosecutor’s Office in Cali, With the capture and prosecution of the members of Los Ratones, nine homicides were clarified for four years, under the contract killer modality.
“This criminal structure in commune 13 of the municipality of Candelaria and in the township of Villagorgona. Additionally, would be responsible for nine homicides perpetrated under the contract killing modality, which are clarified thanks to this prosecution”assured the director Sandra González.
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Similarly, the director specified that seven of the captures were carried out with arrest warrants and one of them in flagrante delicto.
“During nine search and search proceedings, agents of the Sijín of the Cali Metropolitan Police, in coordination with a specialized prosecutor, managed to capture seven people in compliance with court orders issued by a criminal judge, one more person was detained in flagrante delicto” , he added.
In the operations, the authorities seized a firearm, 13 pistol cartridges, five cell phones and a vehicle.
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A guarantee control judge sent Los Ratones to jail to answer for the crimes of conspiracy to commit an aggravated crime for the purpose of homicide and drug traffickingaggravated homicide, manufacture, trafficking and possession of firearms, accessories, parts, and ammunition, and manufacture, trafficking and possession of narcotics.