The teacher Editrudis Beltran proclaimed his victory as the new rector of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), after his opponent Jorge Asjana David recognized his defeat and despite the fact that the organizing commission for the elections has not officially given the yesterday’s election results.
Beltrán stated that according to his computer center, which has the 80% of votes countedhas more than 64%, in addition to receiving a call from his container, who would have congratulated him on his victory.
The virtual winner of the electoral process He promised that he will work to unify the UASD and for it to resume its place in the spaces for dialogue in society.
Beltrán said that in the next few days he will form the team that will articulate the program of actions, to “solve once and for all” the overcrowding in the classrooms of that academy and also to review the training programs in all the careers that are taught in that house of higher studies.
Commission awaits minutes
Meanwhile, the president of the Central Electoral Commission, January Rodriguezsaid last night that he still could not give the results, because the minutes with the highest number of votes still they had not come from the faculties and campuses.
“We have only received 20% of the minutes and we do not consider that amount to be enough to issue a first bulletin,” he explained, after noting that they are receiving the minutes and that as soon as they finish the count they will give the results.
Can read: UASD Elections: Jorge Asjana recognizes Editrudis Beltrán’s victory
calm process
January Rodriguez He assured that the process passed without important inconveniences, this despite the fact that reports indicate incidents between followers of candidates to lead the Mao university campus, in the province of Valverde.
Rodríguez said that in the elections they voted 3, 215 votersamong professors, student representatives, teaching assistants and administrative staff, who also elected four vice-chancellors and other positions in the colleges, schools and campuses.
“In total, the university community elects 108 positions, which will be in office for a period of four years,” he said.
The atmosphere at UASD
From the early hours of the morning, chaos in vehicular traffic took over the surroundings of the central headquarters, especially in the western part of the enclosure. You could only enter through Gral. Modesto Díaz street, since streets like Huascar Tejada and Rafael Sanchez Ravelowhich are parallel to the UASD, were closed.
Booths were established in the green area with propaganda of the candidates. Some harangued their candidates in the endless line of vehicles seeking entry.
Previous members of the Electoral Commission with white and green veststhey thoroughly checked that all those who entered were the people who appeared on the register and therefore had the right to vote.
Once the voters were registered, they placed a green headband that allowed them to enter, so that they could go to the corresponding faculty, where the lines were lengthening.
“There is a complete restriction for everyone who is not from the electoral faculty, to enter the university,” said Rodríguez.
Editrudis Beltrán, voted at 10:00 in the morning, at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
About 15 minutes later, at the Faculty of Health, his opponent voted, George Ashjana. “Everything is peaceful, everyone is voting,” she explained.