Home Central americaNicaragua Dora María Téllez: Dictatorship “incapable” of establishing good international relations and controlling the internal situation

Dora María Téllez: Dictatorship “incapable” of establishing good international relations and controlling the internal situation

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Dora María Téllez: Dictatorship “incapable” of establishing good international relations and controlling the internal situation

The guerrilla commander banished by the dictatorship, Dora María Téllez, maintains that the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo is “absolutely incapable” of establishing good international relations due to the isolation to which it is subjected and also because the tyrants are incapable of controlling the internal social situation, since diseases, deaths from accidents and violence against women increase in Nicaragua.

In her weekly analysis of the political and social situation in Nicaragua, the former political prisoner assesses that these “are not the best days for the Ortega-Murillo at the international level,” taking into account that, at the end of June, the Organization of States meets. Americans (OAS) in Paraguay, and has Haiti and Nicaragua as a “special agenda” point. Téllez believes that this OAS session will once again show the total isolation of the regime.

Likewise, the Nicaraguan historian analyzes that the Managua regime tries to sell the Russians as its strategic allies, but, as she says, that has not gone well for them either, since the US, this week, applied “an impressive amount of sanctions” that affect the Russian economy to the point that the Russian Stock Exchange closes its operations in euros and dollars.

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«They also sanction Chinese companies that are supplying resources for Russia’s weapons and ammunition factory. Well, the decision of the Ortega-Murillo family is whether or not they stay trapped in that conflict (USA-China-Russia),” says the opposition leader.

Chigüín Ortega and his trading in ruble is useless

In her weekly analysis, the recipient of the Honoris Causa doctorate from the Sorbonne, in Paris, maintains that everything that Laureano “El Chigüin” Ortega Murillo has announced regarding international trade without using the dollar as a currency of trade, is of no use. .

Laureano Ortega sells the idea that he will be able to develop international trade in rubles.
Laureano Ortega sells the idea that he will be able to develop international trade in rubles.

«What is the purpose of all this that Laureano Ortega has announced about connecting with the ruble as a powerful currency. Are you going to sell in ruble? Are you going to buy in ruble? “What use will the ruble be to them, which is of no use anywhere in the world?” explained the guerrilla commander.

Likewise, he recalled that although the Ortega-Murillos announce their commercial relations with their ideological allies such as China, Russia and others, Nicaragua’s commercial relations are mainly with the United States, the European Union and Central America. “Could it be that Costa Rica is going to accept rubles or perhaps buy from the Chinese in rubles?” Téllez said ironically.

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For the political exile, what is clear in the situation in Nicaragua is that this Nicaragua-Russia connection strategy “is a failed strategy” and places Nicaragua at the center of a dispute between Russia, Europe and the United States that has been motivated by the invasion of Ukraine.

“What can you expect from the regime that cannot handle basic things in Nicaragua, where there is an enormous increase in malaria throughout the country and this has not been seen for many years,” said the former health minister from the 1980s.

Likewise, he criticized the increase in deaths from traffic accidents and sexist violence, all due to the inability to control the regime, which is more concerned with keeping the population under repression.

«The government loves to deceive itself, it cannot face the dengue epidemic, it is incapable of stopping the epidemic of car accidents because it has most of the police engaged in repression work, persecuting, threatening and a minimum controlling traffic. Every day there are a huge number of traffic accidents in Nicaragua, it is an epidemic,” said Téllez.

Related news: Political violence increases crime and citizen insecurity in Nicaragua

«The regime is absolutely incapable of connecting internationally in relations that favor Nicaragua and absolutely incapable of solving the problems that afflict Nicaraguans, the cost of living rises, stagnant pensions, stagnant salaries, diseases “prospering and in victory “Traffic accidents and murders of women also increase,” Commander Téllez reiterated.

Finally, he recalled that there are still 141 Nicaraguans imprisoned by the dictatorship for political reasons, among them there are 20 women, many of them in conditions of isolation and torture.

“Our work, our voice is what is going to get them and the other 120 political prisoners out of jail,” the historian concluded.

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