The upward trend continues dollar in the different foreign exchange markets. For the third consecutive round, all currency prices registered significant increases: the MEP surpassed the blue and stands as the second most expensive in the market, surpassed only by the CCL. While the solidary is located fourth.
In this way, the dollar today an official increase of 30 cents was noted and now it is offered on the screens of Banco Nación (BNA) at $104.50 for purchase and $110.50 for sale. While in the rest of the banks, the green ticket around $110.95 for sale.
Along the same lines as the regulated ones, the one known as the dollar solidarity or tourist that is made up of the official price plus 30% of the PAIS Tax and 35% of the Tax as an advance on Earnings, today climbed to $182.33, after gaining 50 cents at the close on Thursday.
stock market
As regards the so-called dollar CCL (Contado Con Liqui), which is used for investments in the foreign stock market, opened today’s wheel at $233.69 for sale, which translates into an increase of 66 cents compared to yesterday. While its variation in the market was +2.00%.

In contrast, the dollar MEP or Bag, the foreign currency used by investors to operate in the local market, started trading this morning at $224.26 for sale, after rising $3.51 in just one day. Now, the CCL and the MEP stand out as the most expensive on the market.
Dolar blue
Next, is located the dollar blue, the informal currency that circulates without any type of regulation in the foreign exchange black market. Today, Thursday, January 28, this currency posted a new rise of $1.50 cents and stands as the third most expensive in the entire foreign exchange market.
According to the estimates of the caves of the City of Buenos Aires, the parallel currency is trading at an average buy of $119.50 and sells at $222.50 per unit, although in the provincial exchange houses the blue is sold for up to 227 pesos. It is important to note that this is the most expensive price figured for this ticket.