Home South AmericaVenezuela Diosdado Cabello: Drill will allow checking the organization of the 1x10x7

Diosdado Cabello: Drill will allow checking the organization of the 1x10x7

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Diosdado Cabello: Drill will allow checking the organization of the 1x10x7

This Wednesday, during a 1x10x7 balance meeting with the machinery of the entire country, the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv) urged all militancy to actively participate in the drill called by the National Electoral Council (CNE) for this Sunday, June 30, which – he highlighted – will allow them to check the organization of the 1x10x7 of militancy and the Patriotic Pole.

“Let’s check that this works, that this goes according to the planning that we have,” Cabello told the participants in the virtual meeting, who he urged to take on the drill with enthusiasm and joy since it is part of the preparation for the election of the 28 of July.

“We are building the perfect victory step by step before, during and after,” Diosdado Cabello.

In this sense, the revolutionary leader instructed to activate a mobilization and logistics plan; test the operation of CC200 reports per voting center; activate the witnesses and table members and the APK system.

“We do have witnesses and table members and in fives who vote there,” he expressed, while highlighting that this is how it should be so as not to distract the votes from one side to the other.

1,174 centers activated for the drill

Regarding the electoral simulation, Diosdado Cabello pointed out that the CNE established 1,174 voting centers throughout the country and 3,006 tables.

Likewise, he highlighted the importance of the activity that allows one to become familiar with how to vote, as well as to test the system and the operation of the voting machines.

We must practice how to vote and how to defend the vote“, he claimed.

Continuing with the drill, he explained that there will be a participation schedule from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon or as long as there are people in line.

“Each voting center will have between two to four polling stations, 50 seconds are estimated but let’s wait for what practice tells us,” he explained.

In addition – Cabello noted – the drill allows the practice of the Republic Plan, through which members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) will be deployed to guarantee peace in the face of threats from sectors that do not believe in peace.

Do not fall into triumphalism

During the meeting with the 1x10x7 machinery Diosdado Cabello reiterated that they will not give registration numbers despite the extraordinary results that are reported, and also called not to fall into triumphalism.

“Please, let’s not fall into triumphalism. Let the right wing fall into triumphalism, believing that a bad poll is an election. Elections are won with votes, not with polls,” he said.

In this sense, he recalled that the opposition has been constantly betting that Venezuela will go down a cliff, believing that with this they will defeat the revolution.

“Let’s not take anything for granted, let’s do it ourselves. The right is not going to recognize the victory of Nicolás Maduro. Let’s not trust ourselves, let’s forget about triumphalism, let’s work tirelessly and we will celebrate on July 28 at night, the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution in the streets and in peace,” he stated.

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