anulación de 191 oenegés en Nicaragua

Dictatorship will reach 1,006 NGOs canceled in seven months

The Ortega dictatorship will continue next week with its campaign to cancel Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), announcing the outlawing of another ten foundations and associations, with which it will exceed a thousand NGOs canceled so far in 2022.

Sandinista deputy Filiberto Rodríguez, president of the National Assembly’s Governance Commission, introduced a new decree initiative to outlaw these ten NGOs, among which the Nicaraguan Association for Agricultural Development (Expica) stands out —in charge of the annual fair of the same name—, the National Association of Insured Persons (ANASE) and the Solentiname Archipelago Museum Foundation.

Completing the list: the Academy Association for Alternative Human Development (Asadehualt), the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Quality (Funprodeca), the Nicaraguan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Ancom), the Nicaraguan Pharmaceutical Industrial Association ( IFN), the Association of Small Traders of the Free Trade Zones of Nicaragua (Apcrozfanic), the Technical Dental Association of San Benito (Aotsbe) and the Association for Health, Education and Social Development of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

same arguments

With the approval of the decree —scheduled for next Monday, July 18— the number of illegal NGOs will rise to 1,006 so far in 2022. In addition, it will reach 1,080 canceled NPOs, from 2018 to date.

The regime accuses the organizations of not registering as foreign agents with the Ministry of the Interior (Migob) and failing to comply with the General Law of Regulation and Control of Non-Profit Organizationswhich entered into force on May 6, “hindered the control and surveillance” carried out by the Migob.

According to deputy Rodríguez, promoter of the massive cancellations of NGOs, it is an “ordinance” aimed at combating money laundering and punishing the organizations that were involved in the 2018 protests, which the regime defines as an attempted coup. of State.

The canceled organizations do not have the right to appeal the decision of Parliament and, in many cases, the former directors have denounced that the Migob established obstacles for them to comply with all the requirements mandated by law, including the Foreign Agents Regulation Law, pointed out by lawyers to be an unconstitutional norm.

women rights defenders

The regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo canceled, between this Wednesday and Thursday, the legal status of 200 NGOs, with what he raised to 1070 NGOs canceled from the end of 2018 to date.

More than 30% of the 1,070 NPOs canceled to date focused on various areas of development, while more than 15% executed social projects and served disadvantaged communities and risk groups.

The regime has closed environmental, educational, children’s rights, human rights, women’s, adolescents, indigenous rights, culture, entrepreneurship, democracy and health NGOs, regardless of the impact this has had on their beneficiaries.

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