Home Central americaPanama “Conventional members massively sign request for Extraordinary Convention”, Alemán

“Conventional members massively sign request for Extraordinary Convention”, Alemán

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The Panamanian leader Jaime Alemán stated that every day the number of conventioneers who are massively signing the petition to hold an Extraordinary Convention increases.

“He (Blandón) is not facilitating the reconstruction of the party, he does not have clarity in his actions. The sooner he retires from the presidency, the better the group will do in its reorganization,” he noted.

He indicated that the legal request for the holding of the Extraordinary Convention is taking shape with the signature of hundreds of conventioners disappointed with the worst two electoral defeats of Panamanism.

“In the tours and meetings that I have had with the conventional ones, I have been able to confirm that the feeling of the bases is that every day in which Blandón insists on remaining clinging to the position, is a day that is lost to advance,” he expressed.

For Alemán, the correct and natural thing is for Blandón to resign after leading two consecutive defeats.

“It is a matter of weeks to finish tabulating the signatures that a group of co-partisans are gathering at the national level,” said the leader.

Alemán indicated that in conversations with the bases they suffer defeat, but there is hope for better days with a total renewal, which does not only mean ending the Blandón cycle, but also the opportunity for the resurgence of the group.

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