The Superintendence of Transportation issued External Circular No. 001 of January 31, 2022, issued instructions so that natural and legal persons who in some way manage “empty container yards” in which one or more services related to their loading and unloading are provided (under rent or another legal figure) and/or activities such as storage, repair, supply, marking, labeling, inspecting, receiving and delivering empty containers are carried out, register and register as port operators before the Superintendency before April 30, 2022.
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In the circular issued by the Entity, it is available for the registration of these people through the VIGÍA System, arranged by SuperTransporte for this purpose.
According to him Superintendent of TransporteaWilmer Salazar Arias, “It is very important that all people who are carrying out activities or providing services related to empty containers, especially related to their reception and delivery, among others, register as port operators and comply with the provisions of Law 1 of 1991 and Resolution 7726 of 2016. I want to emphasize that all port activities in our country are essential for the economic development of the regions, therefore, legality and equity must be policies that we must rigorously follow for the growth and proper functioning of our transport sector”.
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The external circular of “Container yards” is already included in article 5.1.2. of the Single Circular of Infrastructure and Transport. For the proper development of the registry, SuperTransporte has available the manual for registration and registration of port operators on the page
The entity also stressed that the Failure to comply with this circular can generate fines according to Law 1 of 1991 in its article 41, up to 35 days of gross operating income. For its part, Law 336 of 1996 in its article 46, establishes fines of 1 to 1,000 SMLMV in river transport and, from 1 to 1,500 SMLMV if it is maritime transport.
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