Consórcio Luz de Caruaru was the winner of the auction for the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project for public lighting promoted by the city of Caruaru (PE), at B3, in São Paulo. The consortium is formed by Enel, Mobit and Selt Engenharia and the concession is for 20 years.
The consortium offered the most advantageous proposal, with the lowest monthly consideration. The amount offered was R$ 388,204.86, with a discount of 66.21% in relation to the maximum amount defined in the public notice, of R$ 1.15 million.
The public-private partnership includes implementation, recovery, installation, modernization, improvement, expansion, operation and maintenance of the municipal lighting network. The concession also provides for the implementation of LED lamps at public lighting points in the municipality. The expectation is that R$ 105 million will be invested in the system over 20 years.
The PPP is the result of cooperation between the city of Caruaru and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES). “This is a relevant auction for the bank because it meets one of our strategic priorities: cities. Bringing the state of the art in the structuring of lighting, urban mobility, sanitation and solid waste projects to reduce a gap in infrastructure in large centers in the interior of the Northeast. We applied the best in modeling in Brazil to benefit 365 thousand people from Caruaru. We are going to modernize the public lighting park and reduce the city’s electricity consumption by almost 50”, said Gustavo Montezano, president of BNDES.
“This public lighting portfolio is a portfolio that the federal government has supported for about four or five years, at most, and today it has 40 projects in the pipeline. The Caruaru City Hall project is the 13th that is put up for auction. Six of them are being structured by BNDES. The others under the project structuring fund of Caixa Econômica Federal. We have 27 projects in our portfolio to be put out to tender. The next one is also structured by the BNDES, which is from Jaboatão dos Guararapes”, said Manoel Renato Filho, Program Director at the Special Secretariat of the Investment Partnerships Program of the Ministry of Economy.
According to the mayor of Caruaru, Raquel Lyra, the concession will bring advances to the city, providing more security and sustainability. “[Isso] allows our city to be smarter, safer and provide better quality of life for our population”, he said.