The parliamentarian warned that this lawsuit is due to his role in supervising “the alleged acts of corruption of Dina Boluarte and the alleged prostitution network in Congress.” The complaint was presented by his parliamentarian Héctor Valer.
He Congressman Juan Burgos He was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office by his colleague Héctor Valer for the alleged crime of usurpation of functions. According to the official letter sent to the owner of the Public MinistryDelia Espinoza, the complainant accuses him of having assumed “de facto powers of criminal investigation without receiving the approval of the Plenary.”
According to the document, Valer Pinto accuses Burgos that, in his capacity as president of the Oversight Commission, he has carried out “acts of criminal investigation” without having been “investigated by the Plenary as an Investigative Commission” as ordered by the Magna Carta and the Congress Regulations.
To this end, parliamentarian Valer mentions the investigation that the Commission initiated against the president Dina Boluarte for the Cofre case and the alleged abandonment of office when undergoing surgery in mid-2023. Likewise, he refers to the investigation into the alleged network of prostitution in Congress.
“We request that an investigation be carried out for the alleged crime of Usurpation of Functions, a criminal offense typified in article 361 of the Penal Code, given that the aforementioned congressman would be summoning servers and officials of the Congress of the Republic to testify and provide their testimonies. , requesting information from various public State entities, among other actions without having the authority to do so, assuming functions that in the criminal sphere only fall within the jurisdiction of the Public Ministry,” the complaint reads.
Juan Burgos after being reported to the Prosecutor’s Office: “They are not going to silence me”
Upon being notified of this complaint, Congressman Burgos Oliveros published a video on his official networks assuring that he will continue with the investigations and will not allow himself to be intimidated.
“They would have preferred to shoot me 60 bullets to silence me, but they are not going to silence me. We are going to continue fighting for the truth and to clean all the institutions of Peru because Peru needs to trust in its democracy. I am Juan Burgos, president of the Oversight Commission and they are not going to silence me. My commitment to all of Peru,” he said.