Congress: The agenda is expanded to include a project that changes the name of the MIMP to the Ministry of the Family

Congress: The agenda is expanded to include a project that changes the name of the MIMP to the Ministry of the Family

The Board of Spokespersons of the Congress of the Republic agreed to expand the agenda of the Plenary to include the debate of the bill that proposes to change the name of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations () to Ministry of the Family.

The document is signed by the representatives of Popular Force (24), Free Peru (16), Popular Action (15), Alliance for Progress (14), Advance Country (10) and Magisterial Block (10).

Likewise, Popular Renewal (9), Democratic Peru (7), We Are Peru (5), Democratic Change (5), Bicentennial Peru (5) and Podemos Peru (5)with which the required 78 votes are exceeded.

On July 5, the Decentralization Commission of Congress unanimously approved the bill that proposes declaring public necessity the modification of the name of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations by that of “Ministry of the Family and Vulnerable Populations”.

This is the opinion issued in legislative initiative No. 1229/2021-CR, presented by parliamentarian Américo Gonza (Free Peru), indicates that the declaratory proposal “It allows to showcase and give real importance to the other vulnerable groups that are part of the same family nucleus”.

“Although, there is no competence to propose the real modification of the name of the Ministry, the Congress of the Republic could call on the Executive Power through a declaratory law of public interest with the purpose of warning of the lack of attention suffered by the other vulnerable members of the families, such as minors and the elderly in a state of abandonment”review the document.

Add that “Certainly, violent women are a vulnerable group in our country that deserves public policies that protect them; but children in a state of abandonment and older adults in the same state of abandonment also need public policies that affect their protection”.

In its social networks, the working group reported that the project was approved during the decentralized session held in the San Martín region. The commission is led by Norma Yarrow (Avanza País).


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